Inclusive PE lessons where every child shines
How can you manage the diverse needs and abilities while encouraging and supporting all children to develop a lifelong love of physical activity? We share our tips in our latest blog…
Choosing the right physical activity
How important is it that children do the right type of physical activity for their age and developmental stage? Read on to find out…
How can PE help children manage their emotions?
Young children can find it hard to understand their emotions. Read our blog on how you can use your PE lessons and physical activity to help children to learn how to manage their emotions and build resilience.
Leaders aren’t born, they’re made
Every child has the potential to be a leader and PE lessons can be a valuable tool in helping children to develop leadership skills. Read on…
Boosting the quality of PE in your school
We pick out the most important points from Ofsted’s latest review into the quality of PE in primary schools and give our tips on how you can increase the breadth and depth of your PE curriculum
4 ways to boost concentration skills with physical activity
Studies have shown that physically active children have better attention spans. Read our blog for top tips on how to use physical education to boost concentration in your class.
10 steps for sports day success
Whether you’re planning your first sports day or your 21st, we share our 10 steps to ensure your school sports day is a success.
What does being a PE lead in a Primary School mean?
Are you taking on responsibility for PE? How can you make sure you do the best for pupils and the school? Read on for our top tips…
Six top tips to motivate children to be active every day
Motivating children to be active can be hard – more tech-driven entertainment, less time for PE, fewer safe and accessible places to play and, at this time of year, poor weather. Here we share our top ideas to help you motivate your pupils to move more….
Don’t fear the call – tips to get your PE Ofsted ready
We have spent many years help PE leads and head teachers prepare for Ofsted visits. Here are our top tips to make sure your PESSPA is Ofsted-ready whenever the phone call comes.
How to encourage children to be active
Just 53% of six year olds are achieving the Chief Medial Officers’ guidelines of 60 minutes moderate to vigorous physical activity each day. How an you encourage children to be more active?
How to choose an external partner for your PESSPA programme?
External specialists or coaches can help build your confidence and knowledge to deliver high-quality PE and physical activity in your school, but how can you be sure you’re choosing a provider who will with you to reach your goals?