Products & programmes available nationally
Wherever you are based, your pupils can enjoy our flagship physical activity and wellbeing programmes. Our PESSPA programmes save you time and help to incorporate activity into the whole school day.

Active Ted
Active Ted
Suitable for: EYFS & KS1. Active Ted is here to support schools & parents to achieve Active 30:30. A brand new resource pack which can be used as a tool to introduce, compliment or develop Active 30:30.
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Make the most of your school site for physical activity and learning with our new
Explore Programme!
Explore is our NEW digital platform that allows you to easily create fun QR code activity trails to use around your school.
Get moving, get collaborating, get learning!
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Fit for Life
Fit for Life
Suitable for: KS1 & KS2.
Over 100 activities at your fingertips. Fit for Life is a whole-school digital fitness resource that uses active bursts to strengthen muscles, bones and minds. Sessions have been designed to support individual personal development and can take place anywhere, any time.
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Move With Max
Move With Max
Suitable for: EYFS. Move with Max is an evidence based movement programme that teaches fundamental movement skills through readily available story books.
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Further products & programmes available in areas of
North-East England
We have a range of PE, school sport, physical activity and PSHE programmes covering EYFS to KS2 that will help your pupils lead active, healthy lives.

Team Up Kids
Team Up Kids
Suitable for: KS1 & KS2.
Our Team Up programme has been designed to support your pupil's mental health and wellbeing. It blends the positive powers of physical activity and mental wellbeing techniques, giving children the tools to support life-long wellbeing and ensure you are ready to learn and succeed in life.
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PE Apprenticeships
PE Apprenticeships
Suitable for: 16yrs upwards.
A PE Apprenticeship can be a gateway to a sport or coaching career. For a school, having an apprentice as part of your staff team can help more children be active more often.
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