Can co-creation encourage more children to be more active?
Co-creation can be seen as the latest buzzword in education but what does it mean and could it help engage more children in their PE, School Sport and Physical Activity?
Six Dimensions of Wellness – pt 1 Physical Wellness
How can you support your own wellness and that of your pupils? Read the first of our six-part blog series. In this edition we look at physical wellness.
6 ways to inspire more girls to play sport
Just 15% of girls meet WHO guidelines of 60 minutes physical activity each day. We can all inspire girls to take part in sport. Here are six ways that you can help.
How can I look after my own wellbeing?
Many teachers will be feeling drained from this exceptionally testing year. It is essential that you take steps to look after your own wellbeing and make sure you are ‘fit’ for your lessons.
What makes a great coach or PE leader?
School staff play a vital role in encouraging and supporting children to be active. So how can you make sure you are a positive role model for your pupils?
12 ideas for a memorable sports day this year!
As well as being a celebration of sporting achievements and talent within a school, sports day is a brilliant opportunity for children to connect, socialise, have fun together and celebrate the benefits of being active. Here are some ideas to help make sure your sports day is a memorable event.
How can a PE Apprentice help your school?
Aside from an extra pair of hands, a PE Apprentice can be a great addition to your staff team helping you to give your pupils more opportunities to be physically active.
4 ways to ensure you get the most from your PE Premium Funding
With so many tools, techniques, resources and support available, it can be difficult to decide where best to invest the funding. Here are four ways to ensure you and your pupils get the most from the grant.
We’re helping over 1,000 children to get active
Lockdown has had a significant impact on all our activity levels. Sport England’s latest survey noted the decline in activity
6 Top Tips on helping children return to exercise after a long break
Coinciding with winter, the recent lockdown is likely to have had a significant impact on your pupils’ activity and fitness
Remembering your ‘Why’, reconnecting with you and looking to the future.
Guest Blog We have asked our friend and colleague Hannah Bell to write a guest blog aimed at supporting school
5 top tips for integrating physical activity into a home learning day
The Chief Medical Officers’ recommendation is that children should take part in an average of 60 minutes of moderate to