Dear subject leader,
Please note that the content of this presentation is the intellectual property of Education Durham, DCC and should therefore NOT be shared with third parties. Any advice and opinion is offered with the best of intentions to support you in your role within school and IS NOT a direct instruction of how to do things. These recording or any part of these recordings should not be made public or shared on any social media platforms.
In writing your PE Policy you should consider:
- Philosophy or vision- be ambitious with your vision for PESSPA in YOUR school. This should reflect whole school vision
- Rationale – how do you follow NC? why do you do what you do? What do you hope children get from it?
- Framework – use the 3 I’s:
- Intent: what do you hope children will be able to do at the end of each year? Key Stage? Before they leave? Physical Literacy, multi ability approach
- Implementation – what does your Long term, medium term and short term planning look like? Teaching and Learning
- Impact – Assessment, what data is collected, how and why? is it meaningful? How is it used?
- Health and safety – include a separate section about COVID implications